?> Dr. Onwuka Chukwujekwu's Details

Dr. Onwuka Chukwujekwu

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Email: Click to show Chukwujekwu's Email Address Birthday: 2nd April
Staff Type: Academic Phone Number: Login to view phone number
Website or LinkedIn URL: Gender: Male
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Biography: Dr. Chukwujekwu Charles Onwuka is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Igbariam Campus. He hails from Akamili Umudim in Nnewi North Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria.
Dr. Onwuka possesses a Bachelor of Science Degree in Economics/Sociology & Anthropology, a Master of Science Degree in Sociology and a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Sociology, all from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He is a specialist in the area of Industrial Sociology and has written over 40 scholarly articles in both national and international journals. His teaching and research interest include the following: Industrial Sociology, Gender Studies, Sociology of the Family, Demography as well as Social Gerontology. He is currently the Head of Department of Sociology.
Faculty/Department/Unit: Department of Sociology Rank: Senior Lecturer
Research Interest: Industrial Sociology, Demography/Population Studies, Gender Studies, Sociology of the Family, Social Gerontology
Educational Qualifications: B.Sc. (Economics and Sociology/Anthropology) 2000
M.Sc. Sociology (Industrial Sociology) 2007
Ph.D Sociology (Industrial Sociology) 2021
Universities Attended: University of Nigeria Nsukka 1996 – 2000
University of Nigeria Nsukka 2003 – 2007
University of Nigeria Nsukka 2008 – 2021
Publications: 1.Onwuka, C. C., Okoh, C. I. & Eme, O. I. (2009). Corruption in Nigeria: Nature, forms and challenges before anti-corruption agencies.” Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business. UK: Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research. 1(8), 115 - 133. Retrieved from https://www.academia.edu/44500813/Corruption_in_Nigeria_Nature_forms_and_challenges_before_anti_corruption_Agencies_converted
2. Obiweluozo, P.E., Abiogu, G.C., Ugwu, G.C., Ebizie, E.N. & Onwuka, C.C. (2017). The need to value being a child: Implications for parents and teachers. European Journal of Social Sciences. 54(4), 500-507. Retrieved from https://www.europeanjournalofsocialsciences.com/issues/EJSS_54_4.html
3. Nwosu, P.O., Aye, E.N., Eze, C.O., Onwuka, C.C., Ezeah, M.A., Okoro, M.E., Asogwa, F.O., Ajibo, D.U. & Oforka, T.O. (2020). Impact of educational qualification on work stress among academic administrators of universities in south-east Nigeria. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 15(10), 2156-2164. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344513344_Impact_of_ Educational_Qualification_on_Work_Stress_among_Academic_Administrators_of_Universities_in_South-East_Nigeria
4. Asadu, I., Abonyi, S. E. & Onwuka, C.C. (2020). Human resources motivation at work place: A desideratum for desirable behaviour towards achievement of optimal benefits in organizations. International Journal of Arts and Social Science. 3(4), 96-111. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344513063_ Human_Resources_Motivation_at_Work_Place_A_Desideratum_For_Desirable_behaviour_Towards_Achievement_of_Optimal_Benefits_In_Organizations
5. Asadu, I., Onwuka, C.C. & Onah, C.C. (2020). Comprehending employees’ performance appraisal in organizations: A methodical exposition of the processes, methods and rationalizations. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS). 4(9), 272-284. file:///C:/Users/USER/Downloads/ComprehendingEmployeesPerformanceAppraisalinOrganizations.pdf
6. Asadu, I., Onwuka, C.C. (2021). Transparency and accountability in government: The Nigerian experience. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS). 5(8), 16-28. https://ideas.repec.org/a/bcp/journl/ v5y2021i08p16-29.html
7. Abonyi, S.E., Arinde-Simeon, T. & Onwuka, C.C. (2024). Exploring the socio- economic challenges and wellbeing in the post-retirement life of older people in south east zone of Nigeria. African Journal of Social Work, 14(1), 1-11. file:///C:/Users/USER/Downloads/ajol-file-journals_551_articles_268665_ 661f764b59112.pdf

Journals: National

8. Onwuka, C.C. & Dim, C. (2009) Education as an effective strategy for alleviating the effects of poverty for the effective governance in Nigeria. In E. J. Otagburuagu (ed.), Governance in Africa in the 21st Century. Nsukka: Institute of African Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. 400 – 413.
9. Onwuka, C.C. (2009). Divorce and the challenges of children upbringing in the contemporary family life. Arts & Social Sciences International Research Journal. Society for Academic Excellence, University of Nigeria. 1, 227–246. https://www.academicexcellencesociety.com/journals_ijrass.html#ijrss_v1
10. Onwuka, C.C. (2010). Violence against women: An exposé of the nature, forms and effects in the contemporary social life. International Journal of Research in Arts and Social Sciences. Society for Research & Academic Excellence, University of Nigeria. 2, 438–452. https://www.academicexcellencesociety.com/violence_against_women_an_expos%C3%A9_of_the_nature.pdf
11. Eme, O.I. & Onwuka, C.C. (2010). Bureaucracy and challenges of good governance in Nigeria. Journal of Business and Organisational Development. Cenresin Publications. 2, 37-50. https://www.cenresinjournals.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/page-37-50-058.pdf
12. Eme, O.I. & Onwuka, C.C. (2011). Political economy of deregulation policy in Nigeria: The challenges ahead. Journal of Business and Organisational Development. Cenresin Publications. 2, 1-18. Retrieved from https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/document?repid=rep1&type=pdf&doi=32d2e53dc9fd680fc0275e0875eeaf4516f66ca6
13. Nwosuji, E. & Onwuka, C.C. (2014). Family meal-time as a pivot of growth of the family in Nigeria. Nsukka Journal of the Humanities. Nsukka: Faculty of Arts, University of Nigeria. 22(2), 166–174. Retrieved from https://www.academia.edu/44279588/FAMILY_MEAL_TIME_AS_A_PIVOT_OF_GROWTH_OF_THE_FAMILY_IN_NIGERIA
14. Onwuka, C.C. & Nwosuji, E. (2014). Paid employment and family life in our contemporary society: The challenges on mothers. Nsukka Journal of the Humanities. Nsukka: Faculty of Arts, University of Nigeria. 22(2), 175–184. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/345747640_PAID_EMPLOYMENT_AND_FAMILY_LIFE_IN_OUR_CONTEMPORARY_SOCIETY_THE_CHALLENGES_ON_MOTHERS
15. Onwuka, C.C. & Nwosuji, E. (2015). The implication of working mothers on the wellbeing of the children. Nsukka Journal of the Humanities. Faculty of Arts, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. 23(2), 118–130. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/345748333_THE_IMPLICATION_OF_WORKING_MOTHERS_ON_THE_WELLBEING_OF_THE_CHILDREN
16. Adejoh, Iyahi & Onwuka, C.C. (2015). The Extent of Participation of Women in Trade Union Activities in Kogi State University, Anyigba, Kogi State, Nigeria: An Appraisal. Lapai International Journal of Politics (LIJOPOL). The Department of Political Science, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, Nigeria. 3(1), 185–201.
17. Abonyi, E.S. & Onwuka, C.C. (2016). Sexual harassment/rape of elderly women by the young men in Enugu State, South East Nigeria. Nigerian Sociological Review. 7(1), 110–117.
18. Abonyi, E.S. & Onwuka, C.C. (2017). Self-help initiatives as a complementary strategy for rural development in south east, Nigeria. Journal of Contemporary Development: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Nigerian Sociological Society. 1(1), 1–18.
19. Onwuka, C.C. & Abonyi, E. S. (2019). Socio-economic impact of recession and youth unemployment: The Nigerian experience. Enugu State University of Science & Technology (ESUT) Journal of Social Sciences. 4(2), 336-353. Retrieved from https://www.esutjss.com/index.php/ESUTJSS/article/view/22/22
20. Abonyi, E.S., Ezeh, C.I., & Onwuka, C.C. (2019). Domestic violence against women in Ebonyi State rural communities, southeast, Nigeria. Enugu State University of Science & Technology (ESUT) Journal of Social Sciences. 4(2), 364-380. https://esutjss.com/index.php/ESUTJSS/article/download/25/25/
21. Onwuka, C.C., Ndubisi, G.C. & Abonyi, S.E. (2020). Effective communication: A panacea for improved management-employee relationships in private universities, southeast, Nigeria. Enugu State University of Science & Technology (ESUT) Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities. 5(2), 57-72. Retrieved from https://esutjss.com/index.php/ESUTJSS/article/view/42/43
22. Ekebosi, N.C., Uzoh, B.C., & Onwuka, C.C. (2020). Employees’ perception of organizational support and job satisfaction in federal universities in South-East Nigeria. Benin Journal of Social Work and Community Development. 1, 78-91. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344903442_EMPLOYEES%27_
23. Onwuka, C.C., Ndubisi, G.C., & Ekebosi, N.C. (2020). Influence of paid employment and motherhood on family life activities in Enugu Urban Area, Enugu State, Nigeria. Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka Journal of Sociology. 7(1), 69-86. https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:EU:20b1f55f-8ac8-4982-afa7-ed8685fcd54b.
24. Obiweluozo, P.E., Onwuka, C.C., Dike, I.C. & Ejiofor, J.N. (2020). Virtue based learning as a significant foundation for young children’s character development. Journal of Research and Practice in Childhood Education. 6, 232-242.
25. Abonyi, S. E. & Onwuka, C.C. (2021). Public perception of healthcare services for retirees in Nigeria. Benin Journal of Social Work and Community Development. 3, 1-11.
26. Onwuka, C.C., Nwokolo, E.E. & Achebe, S.C. (2021). Perceived working conditions and work behaviour of Anambra state civil servants. Journal of Economics, Business and Social Research (JEBSR). 3(2), 1-14.
27. Onwuka, C.C., Nwokolo, E.E. & Achebe, S.C. (2022). Perception of employee welfare and job commitment intentions among academic staff in Nnamdi Azikiwe university Awka: Lessons from incessant ASUU strike. Journal of Economics, Business and Social Research (JEBSR). 4(1), 58-70.
28. Onwuka, C.C., Nwokolo, E.E. & Achebe, S.C. (2022). Assessment of socio-economic livelihood conditions and coping strategies of employees of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, amidst industrial strike action. Nigerian Journal of Social Psychology. 5(2), 53-64. https://www.nigerianjsp.com/index.php/ NJSP/article/view/65/64
29. Onwuka, C.C. & Ume, I.S. (2022). The effect of sexual harassment of female employees on the level of performance among Anambra State civil servants. International Journal of General Studies. 2(2), 103-118. Retrieved from https://klamidas.com/ijgs-v2n2-2022-06/
30. Onwuka, C.C., Nwokolo, E., & Achebe, S. (2022). Perception of Employee Development Programs among Non-Academic Employees in Selected State-owned Tertiary Institutions in South-East Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Social Psychology, 5(2), 80-89. Retrieved from https://www.nigerianjsp.com/index.php/ NJSP/article/view/72
31. Abonyi, S. E. & Onwuka, C.C. (2022). Welfare service delivery for the physically challenged elderly persons in Kwara State under the economic recession of Covid-19. Ilorin Journal of Business and Social Sciences. 24 (1), 54-64. https://fssunilorinedu.org/ijbss/2022%20volume%2024%20number%201/ ARTICLE%204%20vol24no1,%202022.pdf
32. Onwuka, C.C., Nwokolo, E.E. & Achebe, S.C. (2022). Perceived Organisational Support: A Panacea for Work Commitment among Employees in Private Universities in South-East Nigeria. Global Online Journal of Academic Research (GOJAR). 1(1), 40-54. Retrieved from https://klamidas.com/gojar-vol-1-no-1-november-december-2022-pdf/
33. Onwuka, C.C., Nwokolo, E.E. & Achebe, S.C. (2022). Gender Dimension of Conflict among Non-Academic Staff of Selected Public Tertiary Institutions in Southeast Nigeria. International Journal of General Studies (IJGS). 2(3), 7-19. Retrieved from https://klamidas.com/ijgs-vol-2-no-3-october-december-2022-pdf/
34. Onwuka, C. C., Nwokolo, E. E. & Achebe, S. C. (2022). Gender Dimension of Conflict among Non-Academic Staff of Selected Public Tertiary Institutions in Southeast Nigeria. International Journal of General Studies (IJGS), 2(3), 7-19. Retrieved from https://klamidas.com/ijgs-v2n3-2022-01/
35. Onwuka, C.C. & Abonyi, S.I. (2022). Assessment of Leadership Styles and Employees Work Performance in South-East Nigerian Private Universities. Caritas Journal of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities (CJMSSH), 1(1), 1-10. https://www.caritasuniversityjournals.org/index.php/cjmssh/article/ view/2/1
36. Abonyi, S.E., Abdulhameed, A., Arinde-Simeon, T.O. & Onwuka, C.C. (2022). Drug Intake among Teenagers in Nigerian Primary and Secondary Schools: A Challenge to School Social Workers. Ilorin Journal of Education, 42(2), 43–51. Retrieved from https://ije.unilorinedu.sch.ng/index.php/ije/issue/view/7
37. Onwuka, C. C., Madu, T. E. & Nweke, G. I. (2023). Assessment of Employees’ Satisfaction with Human Resource Management Practices in Selected Public Universities in Southeast Nigeria. Global Online Journal of Academic Research (GOJAR), 2(1), 24-36. https://klamidas.com/gojar-january-february-2023-toc/
38. Onwuka, C. C., Madu, T. E. & Nweke, G. I. (2023). Exploring the Nexus between Human Resource Management Practices and Job Commitment among Staff of Private Universities in Southeast Nigeria. International Journal of General Studies (IJGS), 3(1), 22-33. Retrieved from https://klamidas.com/ijgs-vol-3-no-1-january-march-2023-pdf/
39. Abonyi, S.E., Onwuka, C.C., Arinde-Simeon, T.O., & Ezeh, C. I. (2023). Unemployment and Youth Restiveness in Nigeria: Implications for Transforming the Economic Sector. Ilorin Journal of Education, 43(2), 42–54. Retrieved from https://ije.unilorinedu.sch.ng/index.php/ije/article/view/88.
40. Abonyi, S.E. & Onwuka, C.C. (2023). Role of recreational activities on the perception of well-being among older adults in Ilorin South Council Area, Kwara State, and its implications for social work in Nigeria. Journal of Social Work in Developing Societies. 5(1), 35-52. Retrieved from https://journals.aphriapub.com/index.php/JSWDS/article/view/1984/1840

41. Ekebosi, N.C., Onwuka, C.C. & Maduagwuna, E. (2023). Changing employment context as a strategy for ending agitation of self-determination in Southeast Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Social Problems and Social Policy Review. 3(2), 16-25. Retrieved from https://www.nigerianjournalsonline.com/index.php/NJSPSPR/ issue/view/305
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=stfYtSIAAAAJ
Skills: Computer/Internet skill, Research skill, Public Speaking skill, able to work independently under tremendous pressure and meet deadlines.
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Last Online: 10th July 2024 at 11:27:43 PM

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